English Language & Literature
The English Department of ZHSS believes that language enables us to think creatively and critically, as well as express our views and persuade others. Language makes it possible for us to function effectively in everyday life and allows us to explore experiences, values and perspectives. The English Department aims to develop innovative and critical thinkers who are independent, avid readers with a global outlook, and an appreciation and love of the English language.
Key programme
Developing confident and effective communicators
Developing effective and confident communicators is a strong focus of the department. Students are given opportunities to hone their oral presentation skills through oral presentation practices, alternative oral assessment at lower secondary, and class debates on gender, social, sports, environment, ethical issues, particularly related to science, at upper secondary. Other than raising critical awareness of language use and other methods of persuasion, the learning of useful public speaking skills and techniques also help students to express themselves with poise and confidence.
Assessment for Learning
Informal and alternative modes of assessment to encourage developmental and formative assessments have been firmly established as our department best practice. The department leverages on assessment for learning to further develop effective communicators of the 21st century, focusing on identifying students’ specific strengths and weaknesses, with an emphasis on writing and speaking in an authentic environment, with specific descriptive feedback and suggestions for improvement given as well.
Reading and Literature
Appreciation and love of the English Language and Literature within the school is developed by inculcating in students a love of reading, broadening their horizon, and helping them see more perspectives of the world. Exposed to a range of texts in the form of expository essay, journalism, creative non-fiction, poetry, fiction, and drama, students learn the various insights that different critical approaches to these texts can yield. While strengthening the intellectual power of every student, this knowledge of language and literature provides each with an understanding of human nature as made manifest through the written word. The department aims to turn students into enlightened, literate, and thoughtful people who are able to articulate their ideas effectively and confidently.
In the future, the English Department aims to continue to develop the linguistic and communicative competency of every Zhonghuarian, maximising the potential of each, thus equipping them to thrive in a fast-changing and highly-connected world.