Infocomm Technology
We seek to equip all Zhonghuarians with relevant ICT skills and learning abilities through our wide array of ICT programmes and experiences.
PLD 2024

ICT-integrated Learning Experiences @ ZHSS
1. Code for fun for lower secondary 1E, 1NA, 2E, 2NA students learning
animation and games programming
2. Student Learning Space (SLS)
3. Learning Management System (LMS)
4. Ace Learning Mathematics Portal (Mathematics)
5. Cyberwellness CE programme (Character Education)
6. Use of online discussion forums (Mother Tongue, English, Humanities
and Science)
7. Creation of multi-media presentations
8. Designing using tablet PCs (Design and Technology)
9. iMTL portal (Mother Tongue)
10. English portal (English)
GCE O-level Computing (for Express students)
Aims to provide students with an education focusing on the followings:
Apply logical reasoning and algorithmic thinking in analysing problem situations and developing solutions
Develop programmes through the use of appropriate programming language(s)
Understand how and where information and communications technology (ICT) is used in daily life.
Understand and explain the ethical, social and economic issues associated with the use of ICT.
GCE N(T)-level Computer Application (for Normal Technical students)
Computer Application (CPA) focuses on equipping Normal Technical students with an exciting experience in computer concepts and applications. It equips them with the skill sets in Microsoft office applications, drawing skills (Corel Draw), Scratch programming for animation and game making, flowcharting and coding.

GCE O-level Food and Nutrition (Normal Academic students)
This two-year GCE O-Level Food and Nutrition (F&N) programme seeks to develop our students with an understanding of:
The concepts of nutrition and meal planning
The link between diet and health
The principles of food science
It aims to equip them with the knowledge and skills to make informed decisions concerning food and nutrition.
Lower Secondary Food and Consumer Education (FCE)
FCE programme is offered to all Lower Secondary students with the main emphasis of empowering them to be health-conscious and discerning consumers who can optimize their resources in terms of food, finance and time to meet physical, mental, social and economic needs to make informed food and consumer choices.
GCE N(T)-level Element of Business Skills (for Normal Technical students)
This is an optional subject to train Normal Technical students in the services industries, namely retail, hospitality, and travel and tourism. Students will learn about:
the various business activities in the service industries,
how businesses satisfy the needs and wants of customers with their products and services; and
how businesses provide quality services to their customers.
Students have the opportunity to do industrial attachment at 5-star hotels in Singapore as well as participate in the National Tourism Competition.
GCE N(A)-level Principles of Accounts (for Normal Academic students)
This is an optional subject to train Normal Academic students in the business industries. POA covers the following:
The general environment that accounting operates in
The accounting information system and the methodology used to collate, record, organise and summarise the information
The elements of the financial statements, and the practices and procedures applied on them
The basic financial statements, their preparation and the information they convey
Practices and procedures applied to represent the owner’s interest